15 Things to Hate About Living in Philadelphia

Philadelphia fondly called Philly, is a city bustling with life, known for its rich history, diverse culture, and passionate sports scene. However, like any urban metropolis, it has its drawbacks. Here are the top things people often find challenging living in Philadelphia.

Crowded Streets

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Philadelphia’s streets are often quite crowded. This situation can be a blessing and a curse as it allows for great people-watching opportunities but also makes commuting difficult during peak hours. Also, the city is known for its narrow roads and pedestrian-unfriendly sidewalks, which doesn’t help things.

Traffic Congestion

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Traffic congestion is an issue that the city has been trying to solve for years. Many people still prefer using their cars to get around, which undermines the city’s attempt at improving public transportation and leads to massive traffic jams during rush hour as thousands of vehicles try to squeeze into the limited road space available.

The People Tend to Have an Attitude That Can Come Off as Rude

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Philadelphia has a reputation for having residents who can be rude or abrasive to outsiders. This rudeness could be because of the city’s blue-collar background, which tends to bring out a blunt attitude in people. Regardless of the reason for the perceived rudeness, this attitude can make visitors feel unwelcome and uncomfortable in certain parts of the city. 

Dirty Streets

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Philadelphia’s streets are quite dirty. Trash and litter are common throughout the city, especially in more run-down areas. Though the city has been taking steps to clean up its streets, it’s still common to find trash on the sidewalks and graffiti on buildings. This dirtiness can be a nuisance for residents trying to enjoy their city peacefully.

High Wage Taxes

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Philadelphia has one of the highest wage taxes of any city in the country. This tax rate applies to all employees who live or work within city limits, regardless of whether a private entity or a public institution employs them. This tax burdens residents and non-residents since it’s often deducted from their paychecks and can cause financial strain for low-income households.

Crime Rate

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Philadelphia has a reputation for having one of the country’s highest crime rates, with widespread violent crimes. This problem is prevalent in poorer areas of the city, which causes residents to feel unsafe and insecure living there. The police are doing their best to crack down on criminal activity, but it’s far from perfect. 

Strange Liquor Licensing Law 

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Philadelphia has a strange liquor licensing law that makes it very difficult for restaurants to obtain a liquor license, meaning many restaurants have a “Bring Your Own Booze” policy. This policy can be inconvenient for residents who prefer to get their drinks with their order than be burdened with carrying drinks around. 

Housing Issues 

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Philadelphia has been dealing with an affordable housing crisis for years. Rental prices have soared in recent times, with many residents unable to keep up with their rent payments or secure a place to stay. This issue is common in more impoverished cities, where gentrification is happening rapidly. 

Parking Nightmare

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Parking in Philadelphia can be a nightmare. The city is known for its narrow streets and limited parking options, leaving residents with few parking spaces. And when they do find one, it’s usually small, expensive, or requires special permits. The situation worsens during holidays or special events when the city has a lot of visitors who take up any available spaces. 

Mixed-Bag Public Schools

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Philadelphia’s public school system is a mixed bag, with some schools providing excellent education and others lacking in the resources departments. The difference between good and bad schools can be stark, leading to disparities among students from different neighborhoods. 

Cold Winters 

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Philadelphia has some of the coldest winters in the country, with temperatures often dropping below freezing. This weather can be a real challenge for people accustomed to warmer climates, as they may struggle to cope with the bitter cold and snow.

Weak Job Market

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Philadelphia’s job market is competitive, with many people vying for the same positions. It means that workers have to be prepared and willing to take on any opportunities that come their way to stay ahead of the competition. The city also has an aging population, making it difficult for younger professionals to find a place in the workforce. 

Poor Air Quality

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Philadelphia’s air quality has long been a concern for its residents. The city has a high level of air pollution due to emission from industrial plants and traffic congestion, which can be a real health hazard to those living in the area. The city is taking steps to improve its air quality, but it still leaves much to be desired. 

Significant Decrease in Green Space 

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Philadelphia has seen a significant decrease in green space over the years due to urban sprawl and development. This situation can be a real issue for residents who want to find a place to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city but cannot due to the lack of available options. Fortunately, some organizations are trying to reverse this trend and create more green areas for the community. 


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Philadelphia has dealt with racism for years. The city has a long and complex history of racial tension, with many neighborhoods divided along racial lines. Residents have reported feeling uncomfortable or unwelcome in certain areas due to discrimination and prejudice. Despite this, the city is making strides in improving race relations, but much more must be done. 

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Confidence Anadi

Confidence enjoys writing content that informs, educates, and helps readers discover new and enjoyable experiences. He is passionate about writing to share knowledge and insights, hoping to inspire readers to pursue their passions and interests. Besides writing, he plays the bass guitar and loves to explore different genres of music.

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