Thousands of video games have been released over the years, and while many have become classics, others have failed, earning a reputation as some of the worst games ever made. Your opinion may vary, but read through this article of curated Twitter opinions on some video games and what makes them so bad; you will be surprised!
E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (Atari 2600)
E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial for the Atari 2600 is widely considered one of the worst video games ever created. Howard Scott Warshaw designed this game and made Raiders of the Lost Ark for the same console.
Despite being reasonably popular, this game failed to meet expectations and quickly became one of the most infamously terrible games. Players complained about the game’s graphics and complex controls. One tweet noted, “I played E.T. when it came out. Unfortunately, it was bad.”
Superman 64 (Nintendo 64)
Superman 64 for the Nintendo 64 was released in 1999 and heavily criticized for its poor graphics. The controls were also sluggish and glitchy, and some critics described the game as “unplayable.”
Many players felt the game was frustrating because of poor design choices and outdated technology. One Twitter user wrote, “Superman 64 is undoubtedly one of the worst games I’ve ever played. Awful graphics, terrible controls, and just plain boring.”
Half of the Wii Library (Nintendo Wii)
The Nintendo Wii was released in 2006 and was a huge success, but many games released for it faced criticism. According to many comments, the games were poorly designed, and some ports failed to improve on the originals.
One tweet said, “I can honestly say I’ve never played so many terrible games as I did on the Wii. A lot of the games were just awful.”
Brink (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3)
Brink was a game for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 released in 2011. It was highly anticipated but ended up being a massive disappointment. The game had sub-par graphics and suffered from lag issues. Many players also felt the game was not worth playing due to its repetitive gameplay.
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War iii
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War iii is a game released in 2017 for the P.C. It was criticized by fans and critics alike as having lackluster graphics and unbalanced real-time strategy gameplay.
One tweet said, “Warhammer 40K Dawn of War 3 is one of the worst games I played since release; it’s too complex, and the A.I. is terrible.”
Ride to Hell: Retribution
Ride to Hell: Retribution was a game for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 released in 2013. The game was met with universal criticism due to its poor presentation and terrible controls, making it a far cry from its initial concept. One user stated, “Ride to Hell: Retribution is one of the worst games I’ve ever played. Terrible story, terrible combat, terrible controls.”
The Little Mermaid (NES)
The Little Mermaid was one of the many Disney games released in the early 1990s. The game faced criticism for its poor graphics, confusing controls, and repetitive gameplay. Many on the thread found it a frustrating experience that failed to capture the magic of its source material.
“The Little Mermaid is an absolute travesty. I can’t believe Disney thought releasing such a bad game was a good idea.” said one user.
Tiger Electronics Handheld Games
Tiger Electronics was a line of handheld electronic games released in the 1990s. While some had exciting designs, they are widely criticized today for their low-quality graphics. Many tweets on the thread complained about the games having poor controls and limited gameplay.
Paperboy for Nintendo 64
A tweet read, “Paperboy for Nintendo? In this game, you play as a frustrated paperboy who delivers papers and can even express his frustration by sticking his middle finger at customers. That’s pretty much the gist of it. Oh, and to add flair, the customers dance on the street before you.” This tweet sums it all up.
Amy (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3)
Amy is a survival horror game released in 2012 for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. It was heavily criticized for its gameplay and glitches, making it nearly unplayable. One user said, “Amy on PS3 is one of the most frustrating games I’ve ever played. The graphics are outdated, the controls are bad, and the overall experience is just terrible.”
Lagoon (SNES)
There was a mixed response from users about the Lagoon game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. While the game had some interesting ideas, they felt it failed to execute them properly due to its outdated graphics and slow control scheme. One comment read, “Lagoon is an absolute mess of a game. The controls are sluggish, the visuals are outdated, and the action gets tedious quickly.”
Driver for Atari 2600
Driver for the Atari 2600 was released in 1983 and met with much criticism. Fans felt the game lacked any real challenge or excitement, which led to it becoming one of the most infamous games on the system. One senior tweeted, “I remember playing Driver as a kid and being severely disappointed. There wasn’t much to do than drive around.”
For this game, this sarcastic comment summarizes the views of users. “Among all wrestling games, this game for Nintendo was specifically crafted for individuals with captivating lives. Their lives had to be so thrilling that they desired the most boring wrestling game ever. Better, they designed it as a silent game without audience noise or background music. Ha!”
Wayne’s World (Nintendo)
Wayne’s World for the Nintendo was released in 1992 and was considered one of the worst games on the system. Players complained about its choppy graphics, terrible controls, and lackluster gameplay. Many users also felt that the game didn’t capture the essence of its source material.
Donkey.Bas for Microsoft Disk Operating System
Donkey.Bas for the Microsoft Disk Operating System was a game written by Bill Gates in the early 1980s, and many users on the thread do not fancy it. It featured a driving game in which the player must avoid hitting donkeys. Many found it an uninteresting experience due to its lack of depth or challenge.
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