Why Are My Headphones Bass Boosted? (Explained & Solved)

It could be frustrating to find that your pair of headphones’ bass output is too high. While bass adds to the overall listening quality of headphones, too much of it can hamper your experience. What could be the cause of the headphone’s high-sounding bass?

Your headphones’ loud bass could result from a bass feature on your audio device, the audio drivers that convert electrical signals to produce sound, or the soundtrack you’re listening to has a high bass setting.

There are other reasons for loud bass in headphones, and we explore each one in more detail below. Keep reading to discover our solutions to your headphones with loud bass.

Top Reasons Your Headphone Bass is Boosted

1. The Bass Boost Feature is ON

Some devices (headphones and portable devices) have a bass boost feature that alters the sound that passes through the headphone jack or sound waves to your headphones. If this setting is activated, your headphones will get a bass boost. What can you do to resolve this situation?

Turn OFF or adjust the bass boost on your portable device. Go through your phone or PC audio settings and locate the bass boost setting. Here, you can make the adjustments that suit you. If you are using a Windows 10/11 OS, here’s how to find the bass boost setting:

  • Right-click the Sound Volume icon in the taskbar’s lower-right corner. Select “Open Sound Settings” from the drop-down menu.
  • Click “Sound Control Panel” under Related Settings in the new window.
  • Select your speakers or headphones under the Playback tab, then click “Properties.”
  • Select the “Enhancements” tab in the new window.
  • The first feature on the list should be the bass enhancement. Click the checkbox next to it, then select “Settings” from the drop-down menu.
  • You can alter the frequency and boost level in the pop-up window (the higher the level, the more bass).
  • To save your settings, click “OK” and then “Apply” or “OK” on the Headphones Properties window.

2. You Are Using a Cheap Headphone

It is possible that your headphones have a loud-sounding bass because they are inexpensive. How so? Usually, cheaper headphones (gadgets generally) tend to have certain flaws, and sometimes, that flaw could be a heavy bass boost.

Also, to make the device sound better and more attractive to potential buyers, some manufacturers increase the bass. And that can be a turn-off for some headphones and music lovers.

What can you do about this? Try to avoid cheap headphones. If you can’t buy the higher-priced models, get the mid-priced ones. If you don’t have the money yet, consider saving for it because it is better to have high-quality headphones that will serve for a long time.

If you already have a pair of cheap headphones and have this bass problem, consider trading it in and getting a better pair of headphones. Or follow the other recommendations in this guide.

3. The Headphone Drivers Are Big

Bigger drivers produce more bass. If your headphones have big drivers, you will hear more bass in whatever you listen to. There are five types of drivers in headphones, and the biggest size is called the Dynamic Driver.

Again, if the bass output is not working for you, consider getting rid of the headphones and going for a substitute with smaller drivers. You can tell if a headphone has a big or small driver by reading the headphone specification or talking to a customer expert before making a purchase.

4. Your Headphones Were Designed That Way

Every headphone has its unique selling point or stand-out feature, and the manufacturer emphasizes this feature in the marketing. It could be that the producer built your headphones to have a natural bass boost, and maybe it was intended for a particular audience.

In this case, there’s not much you can do to reduce or remove the bass sound. You can try to adjust the bass boost setting on your audio device, get a software or hardware equalizer to adjust the settings, or get a new pair of headphones.

Note: Since the bass boost was intended, these fixes may not work.

5. Your Music Player Boosted the Bass

The music player is another suspect to check when you notice boosted bass on your headphones. This is different from the portable device bass boost feature we discussed earlier; this is the music player you use to play your audio files.

Some music players have built-in equalizer settings that may come with a pre-defined bass setting. Check and ensure that the setting is not set to produce bassy sounds. Open the player, locate the settings menu, and you should find the equalizer if the application has one.

If you can’t find an EQ setting or nothing changes after adjusting the settings, consider using a different player and see if anything changes.

6. The Soundtrack Has a High Bass Sound

Like the music player, there is a chance that the bass is coming from a particular song. What can you do? Listen to something else and monitor the bass. If it drastically reduces, then you know the previous soundtrack boosted your bass, not the headphones.

Common Questions and Answers

Is it possible for too much bass to damage your headphones?

Loud bass will not break your headphone if the bass is at an acceptable volume. On the other hand, heavy bass can easily damage headphones when played at a very high volume. Bass-heavy headphones can, however, withstand low frequencies.

Can loud bass damage your hearing?

If the bass is kept at acceptable levels, it will not impair your hearing. It might damage the tiny diaphragm in your eardrum if the bass is too heavy or loud. It is always preferable to have the output settings balanced.

Last Words

We hope this post has adequately answered your question. We maintain that there are several reasons your headphones have a high-sounding bass, and you can do something about it in some instances. Try our recommendations or consider getting a new pair of high-quality headphones.

Jude Uchella

Jude Uchella is a passionate research writer whose work has been published on many reputable platforms, including MSN, Wealth of Geeks, and more! He prioritizes research, writes comprehensively, and only shares factual and helpful content. He is a reader’s delight!

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