Your language and communication skills are vital in how you interact with others. The words you choose to use can have a significant impact on the way those around you perceive you. If you want to come across as intelligent, pay attention to the phrases and words you use and avoid these 15 phrases.
Starting With “Just”
The word “just” may seem like a harmless filler word, but it can make your statements sound less confident and assertive. Instead of saying, “I just wanted to check in,” say, “I wanted to check in.” This simple change removes any sense of hesitation and makes you sound more direct.
Similar to “just,” using the word “actually” can make it seem like you are correcting or contradicting someone. It can come across as condescending and undermine your credibility. Instead of saying, “Actually, that’s not quite right,” say, “That’s not quite right.”
Saying “honestly” in a sentence implies that you have not been honest in the past or that others may lie to you. It can also make it seem like you are trying to convince someone of your honesty instead of just being honest. Rather, be straightforward and say what you mean without adding “honestly” as a qualifier.
The word “basically” can make your statements oversimplified or lacking depth. It may also come across as if you are trying to dumb down the information for someone else. Instead, explain your point fully and use more specific language to convey your message.
Using the word “literally” can be a habit for some, but it often adds nothing to the meaning of your sentence. It can also come across as exaggerating or trying too hard to make a point. Instead, remove it and let your words speak for themselves.
The word “very” is often used as a filler to intensify something, but it can make your language seem weak and lacking detail. Instead of saying, “I’m very tired,” say, “I’m exhausted.” This change adds more impact to your statement.
Disclaimers like “This might be a stupid question” or “I’m not an expert, but” can undermine your confidence and make others doubt the validity of your statement. Instead, confidently own your questions and statements without giving them a negative connotation.
Saying sorry too often, including when it is unnecessary or out of habit, can make you seem weak and unsure of yourself. Reserve apologies for when they are truly needed, and replace them with more appropriate phrases like “thank you” or “excuse me.”
Exaggerating can make you sound less credible and reliable. Instead of saying, “I’ve told you a million times,” try to use more accurate language, such as, “I’ve mentioned this multiple times before.” Also, stick to the facts and avoid using “never” or “always” unless they are accurate.
“I Don’t Know”
It’s okay not to know something, but continuously saying “I don’t know” can make it seem like you are uninformed or uninterested. Instead, say, “I’m not sure; let me look into it,” or offer a related fact or idea.
Fillers like “um,” “like,” and “you know” can make your speech sound disorganized and unprofessional. Practice eliminating fillers from your vocabulary, and instead, pause to gather your thoughts or use more specific language to convey your message.
Using slang words and phrases can make you sound informal and unprofessional in certain situations. Be mindful of the context you are in and adjust your language accordingly.
“I Think”
Starting a statement with “I think” can make it seem like you are unsure of your beliefs or knowledge. It can also come across as if you are seeking validation from others. Instead, confidently state your opinion or fact without using “I think.”
Empty Phrases
Empty phrases like “if you know what I mean” and “totally” add nothing to the meaning of your sentence and can make it seem like you are trying too hard to relate. Eliminate these phrases, and let your words speak for themselves.
“Kind Of”
Using phrases like “kind of” or “sort of” can make your statements vague and lacking confidence. Instead, be more precise with your language by using specific words to convey your message.
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