17 Things Your Parents Were Totally Right About

Growing up, you may often have rolled your eyes at your parents’ advice and wisdom. But as you age, you realize they were right about many things. From personal experiences to life lessons, your parents have always had your best interest at heart. Here are 17 things your parents were totally right about.

Go to the Bathroom Before You Leave Home

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As a child, you may have found it annoying when your parents reminded you to use the bathroom before leaving the house. However, as an adult, you understand the importance of this advice. Whether before a long car ride or before going out for dinner, taking care of your needs beforehand saves time and avoids uncomfortable situations.

Always Wear Sunscreen

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Your parents may have nagged you about putting on sunscreen every time you went outside, and you probably thought it was unnecessary. But now you know the importance of protecting your skin from harmful UV rays. Sunscreen prevents sunburn and lowers the risk of skin cancer.

Don’t Talk to Strangers

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As a child, you may have thought your parents were overprotective when they told you not to talk to strangers. But as an adult, you understand the dangers of trusting someone you don’t know. Your parents’ advice was meant to keep you safe and aware of potential risks.

Eat Your Vegetables

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You probably remember the constant battle at the dinner table with your parents trying to get you to eat your vegetables. Now, you understand the importance of a healthy and balanced diet. Vegetables are packed with essential vitamins and nutrients necessary for maintaining good health.

Save Your Money

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As kids, we often spend money on toys or treats without considering saving for the future. However, your parents were right about the importance of saving money. It allows you to have financial stability and be prepared for unexpected expenses.

Think Before You Speak

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Your parents may have reminded you to think before you speak, especially during anger or frustration. This advice applies even more as an adult when your words can significantly affect personal and professional relationships. Taking a moment to reflect on our thoughts before speaking can save us from hurtful or regrettable words.

Don’t Give Up

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When facing challenges, your parents may have encouraged you to keep trying and not give up. This advice says perseverance is crucial to achieving success and overcoming obstacles. Your parents’ advice taught you the value of determination and hard work.

Respect Your Elders

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Since childhood, your parents likely instilled the value of respecting elders in you. Now, you recognize that respect plays a vital role in cultivating positive relationships and gaining insights from individuals with greater experience and wisdom.

Take Responsibility for Your Actions

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As children, we often try to shift the blame when we make mistakes. However, your parents were right about taking responsibility for our actions. Doing so shows maturity and helps us learn from our mistakes.

Family Comes First

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Your upbringing likely emphasized valuing family, often prioritizing familial bonds over personal ambitions. As you matured, you understood that family embodies a constant wellspring of love and support, a steadfast presence in your life.

Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

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In a world of social media and constant comparisons, your parents’ advice not to compare yourself to others becomes more relevant. Each person has a unique journey, and focusing on others’ accomplishments can hinder our growth and happiness.

Be Polite

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From a young age, your parents likely instilled in you the importance of saying “please” and “thank you.” These seemingly basic words of courtesy go a long way in demonstrating respect and gratitude towards others.

Take Care of Your Health

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Your parents may have nagged you about going to the doctor or taking your vitamins. They may have also emphasized the importance of exercise and healthy eating habits. Well, you’ve probably realized how valuable their advice was in maintaining our well-being. Without good health, it’s challenging to enjoy life fully.

Be Careful With Credit Cards

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Now, you may understand the temptation and consequences of misusing credit cards. You also realize your parents advised you to be careful with credit cards to protect you from debt and financial stress. Good credit can make your life easier by allowing you to purchase a car or home, but using them responsibly is crucial.

Life Isn’t Fair

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Your parents probably told you this when you complained about unfair situations. Now, you understand that life isn’t always fair, and how you handle your challenges shapes you. They may have also mentioned that everyone faces challenges, and it’s essential to be resilient and learn from them.

Take Risks

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Your parents may have encouraged you to take risks and try new things, even if it meant stepping out of your comfort zone. They may have also taught you the importance of learning from failure and not being afraid to make mistakes. Taking risks can lead to new opportunities and experiences, helping you grow.

You’ll Miss Me When I’m Gone

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As children, we often take our parents for granted. But as we grow, we understand that their love and presence mean everything. Your parents’ advice to cherish your time with them becomes more meaningful as you age.

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This article was produced on Inspired by Insiders.

Confidence Anadi

Confidence enjoys writing content that informs, educates, and helps readers discover new and enjoyable experiences. He is passionate about writing to share knowledge and insights, hoping to inspire readers to pursue their passions and interests. Besides writing, he plays the bass guitar and loves to explore different genres of music.

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