17 Things Millennials Are Killing Without Remorse

Millennials have a reputation for taking action and leaving behind the old ways of doing things. From changing how we interact in relationships to driving innovation within businesses, they’re often credited with shaking up traditional conventions.

While there are certainly some positives to this attitude, Millennials also have their share of detractors who feel that their actions lead to the demise of specific industries and practices. This article explores some things Millennials have killed without remorse.

Cable TV

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With the proliferation of streaming services, Millennials are increasingly bypassing traditional cable services in favor of cheaper and more customizable alternatives. This practice has caused a downward trend in cable subscriptions and increased streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video.

Bank Branches

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Millennials prefer to do everything online, and that includes banking. Online banking apps have made it easier to manage finances without visiting a physical bank location. As a result, many banks are closing branches or downsizing their staff in response to the decrease in foot traffic caused by Millennials’ shift away from physical locations.

Diamonds Rings

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Millennials are bucking tradition and opting for alternative rings that don’t necessarily come with hefty price tags. Colored gemstones, moissanite, and lab-created diamonds are becoming increasingly popular among Millennials who would rather put their money toward experiences than material items.

Casual Dining Restaurants

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As Millennials prioritize healthy eating and sustainability, fast casual dining is becoming their go-to. This type of restaurant offers healthier options than traditional fast-food restaurants while being more convenient and less expensive than a full-service establishment.


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Millennials are less interested in golf than previous generations, leading to decreased membership at many country clubs. The long hours, high cost, and slow pace of the game make it unappealing to many young people who prefer to spend their recreational time on more active pursuits.


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Millennials are waiting longer to get married or, in some cases, forgoing marriage altogether. This decision could be because they want to focus on their career or they don’t believe that the traditional concept of marriage is necessary to stay in a committed relationship.

Traditional Offices

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Millennials are now the largest population in the workplace, bringing with them a preference for flexible hours and remote work. As a result, many companies are transitioning to more open office layouts that promote collaboration or doing away with offices to accommodate employees who prefer to do their work from home.


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Beer is undeniably a beloved beverage that spans generations. While millennials have shown a particular fondness for craft beers, they are, on the whole, consuming less beer compared to previous generations.

Millennials have spearheaded a trend towards moderation or even abstinence from alcohol. The Washington Post says this shift in drinking habits appears to be part of a broader wellness movement.

Paper Napkins

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Millennials are ditching paper napkins for cloth napkins, reducing their environmental impact and saving money. Cloth napkins are becoming increasingly popular as they’re much more durable than paper ones, can be washed and reused multiple times, and add an elegant touch to any dining table.


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With the rise of wrinkle-resistant and “no iron” fabrics, Millennials have embraced their new freedom from the tedious task of ironing. This shift has caused a decrease in sales of traditional irons and increased the popularity of wrinkle-resistant fabrics like polyester or rayon.

Business Suit

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Millennials are challenging the traditional notion of what it means to dress for success by favoring more casual attire. Their opposition to suit and tie has caused some companies to loosen their dress codes or embrace a “business casual” policy.


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Millennials are embracing technology that makes life easier and more convenient, which includes introducing innovative technology to their homes. Smart doorbells are becoming increasingly popular, allowing homeowners to use their smartphones or tablets to answer the door remotely, eliminating the need for traditional bells.

Department Stores

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Millennials have welcomed online shopping for its convenience and variety of options. And with the popularity of e-commerce sites like Amazon, department stores struggle to keep up with the competition. Many retailers have closed their locations or gone out of business due to this shift in consumer habits.


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Thanks to the rise of screw-cap bottles and wine boxes, Millennials no longer rely on corkscrews to open their favorite beverages. As a result, corkscrew sales have plummeted as many Millennials find them outdated and unnecessary, leading to even lesser production of wine with corks.


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Millennials prefer to communicate digitally rather than through traditional mail, making postcards increasingly obsolete. With digital communication platforms and social media, they can quickly send e-cards and other digital forms of thoughtful messages with just a few clicks.


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Millennials are, on the whole, less patriotic than previous generations. They tend to be more globally conscious and view nationalism as a relic of the past. This shift in sentiment leads to increased globalism and acceptance of diversity among Millennials.

Relationship and Commitment

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Millennials are also changing the definition of relationships and commitment. They tend to prioritize openness, honesty, and communication over labels like “boyfriend” or “girlfriend” when dating. They want more flexibility in their romantic relationships and often choose to remain single rather than commit to a long-term partnership.

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Confidence Anadi

Confidence enjoys writing content that informs, educates, and helps readers discover new and enjoyable experiences. He is passionate about writing to share knowledge and insights, hoping to inspire readers to pursue their passions and interests. Besides writing, he plays the bass guitar and loves to explore different genres of music.

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