12 Lies Your Parents Told You to Stay Sane

Your parents probably taught you at a young age that lying is very bad. While that may be true, they were guilty of telling you a few lies. Don’t feel betrayed – sometimes parents tell these fibs to keep us happy and safe or make our lives easier.

“You Can Be Anything You Want”

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This lie is a common phrase that many parents tell their children to inspire them and encourage them to dream big. While it’s important to have aspirations, it’s also important to know that you may not be able to achieve everything you want. It’s okay if your interests and goals change as you age, and finding happiness in your chosen path is important.

“Because I Said So”

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Many have probably heard this one – the classic response to a child’s endless “why?” questions. But as you age, it’s essential to understand the reasoning behind rules and decisions. Don’t be afraid to ask for explanations and discuss openly with your parents.

“We’ll Think About It”

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Sometimes, when we ask our parents for something, they respond with this vague answer. But the truth is, they may not be considering it. It’s okay to politely ask for a direct answer instead of being in limbo.

“If You Sit Too Close to the TV, You’ll Ruin Your Eyesight”

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This lie is a common warning that many parents give in hopes of limiting screen time. While excessive screen time can have adverse effects, sitting too close to the TV won’t harm your eyesight. It may also have been a tactic to get us to interact with our family.

“We’ll Come Back Another Time”

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Have you ever been promised a return trip to your favorite store or amusement park, only for it never to happen? Sometimes, parents intend to fulfill these promises, but life gets in the way. Communicating and understanding that things may not always go as planned is essential.

“It Won’t Hurt”

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Whether getting a shot at the doctor or pulling out a loose tooth, parents often tell us that things won’t hurt in hopes of calming our fears. But sometimes, things do hurt – and that’s okay. Learning to cope with pain is a part of growing up.

“If You Keep Making That Face, It’ll Stay That Way”

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This lie is often used to discourage children from making silly faces, but it’s not true. Making funny faces won’t permanently change your appearance – so go ahead and make all the silly faces you want, but be aware that how you present yourself is crucial in building relationships and achieving goals.

“I Have Eyes in the Back of My Head”

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This lie may have been used to make us think our parents had supernatural abilities, but as much as we may have believed it growing up, our parents do not have eyes in the back of their heads. But they have a keen awareness and intuition regarding keeping us safe and out of trouble.

“We’re Almost There”

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This classic road trip lie is often used to pacify restless children in the car. While it may have been true initially, traffic and detours can easily delay the arrival time. We have to be patient and understanding when things don’t go as planned.

“Drink Your Milk and You’ll Be Big and Strong”

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While milk does have essential nutrients and may be a great source of calcium, it’s not the only factor in growing big and strong. A well-rounded diet and regular exercise are crucial to building strength and staying healthy. Also, not everyone is meant to be big and strong, so embrace and love your unique bodies.

“You’re the Best at Everything”

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While parents may want to boost our self-esteem, we must understand that we all have strengths and weaknesses. Learning to embrace both is key to building confidence and success. Moreover, being humble and acknowledging when others are better at something is valuable.

“There Are No Monsters Under Your Bed”

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While there may not be literal monsters under your bed, this lie was probably told to ease any fears you may have had as a child. As you grow up, address and cope with fears healthily instead of ignoring or dismissing them.

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This article was produced on Inspired by Insiders.

Confidence Anadi

Confidence enjoys writing content that informs, educates, and helps readers discover new and enjoyable experiences. He is passionate about writing to share knowledge and insights, hoping to inspire readers to pursue their passions and interests. Besides writing, he plays the bass guitar and loves to explore different genres of music.

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