15 Jobs That Are Forever Lost to Technology

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, certain professions have found themselves outpaced and eventually replaced by the rise of machines and digital platforms. This emergence of technology has shaped our society in numerous ways, often making tasks more efficient, but at the cost of traditional jobs. Which jobs? Read on.

Lift Operators

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In the past, companies employed lift operators to run elevators in shopping malls and public buildings. These workers manually pressed the buttons and ensured the efficient transportation of passengers between floors. With the advent of automated lift systems, this job is now redundant. 

Pin Boys

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Bowling alleys were once teeming with pin boys who had a simple job to do. During a bowling round, some or all of the pins would be hit down, and the boys were to reset pins after every game round. Thanks to automatic pin-setting machines, this role is no longer necessary. Technology has taken yet another job.

Newspaper Delivery Boys

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Before the age of the Internet and its trove of information, newspapers were a primary source of news. Newspapers employed delivery boys to deliver print copies directly to consumers’ doorsteps each morning. With the advent of digital news media, physical newspapers are becoming obsolete, and this job has become outdated.

Film Projectionists

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Movie theaters relied on film projectionists to manually switch between film reels and set up the projector. However, this role has become outdated with the introduction of digital projectors. Digital projectors are more efficient and easier to use than their traditional projectors, rendering the role of film projectionists unnecessary.

Human Computers

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Before the invention of computers, human computers were employed to work out complex mathematical problems. With the emergence of modern computing technology, these positions have become obsolete, replaced by more advanced and efficient forms of computation.

Knocker Upper

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In the past, a knocker-upper was employed by people who needed to wake up early or on time for work. A knocker-upper would physically go around a town and tap on windows with a long stick. But thanks to the invention of alarm clocks and better ways to wake up, technology has taken over this task.


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Phrenologists studied the shape and size of people’s skulls and interpreted their contours to represent their intelligence. The Phrenologist would measure different parts of the head using calipers and then make various deductions. This practice has now been replaced by psychological science, which is considered more scientific and reliable. 


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In the late 18th century, a Bematist measured their steps to calculate distances. GPS-enabled devices, mapping systems, and mobile phone applications can instantly and accurately measure distances, rendering this job redundant. 


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Telegraphists were once employed to operate telegraph machines. They would feed in paper strips with coded messages and translate what was written. A human messenger is no longer necessary with modern communication and digital messaging systems like email, WhatsApp, and Skype. 

Lamp Lighter 

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In the era before electricity, towns and cities depended on Lamp Lighters who diligently ignited and extinguished gas-burning street lamps daily. This task demanded great effort and consumed much time. However, the advent of electrical lighting systems gradually faded the need for lamp lighting into oblivion.


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The practice of physiognomy, where someone studied a person’s facial features to predict their character, was once popular. Physiognomists believed that people’s faces could denote their personalities. This practice was later replaced by psychosocial analysis, which is considered to be more reliable and scientific. 

Town Crier 

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Before telephones, radios, and televisions were invented, a Town Crier spread the news throughout the town. The crier would physically go around a town or village and shout out messages about upcoming events, laws, and other important news. In today’s technological era, information can be swiftly and effortlessly shared across distances, eliminating the need for physical presence.

Clock Keeper 

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In earlier times, towns and cities depended on Clock Keepers to manually adjust and wind-up prominent public clocks. These skilled individuals were generously compensated for their crucial role in ensuring clock accuracy, which required a solid foundation in mathematics, a skill not widespread at the time.


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In the past, fresh milk was delivered to households every day by a milkman. This individual traveled from house to house on a horse and cart to deliver milk in glass bottles. With the invention of refrigeration technology, people can now store and purchase their milk from supermarkets or corner shops without needing a delivery service. 

Typewriter Mechanic

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Before the advent of computers, typewriters were relied upon for typing letters and documents. This job required a skilled typewriter mechanic to take care of the machines by servicing them and making repairs when needed. Now, personal computers made this role no longer necessary as all one needs to do is turn on their computer and begin typing.

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Confidence Anadi

Confidence enjoys writing content that informs, educates, and helps readers discover new and enjoyable experiences. He is passionate about writing to share knowledge and insights, hoping to inspire readers to pursue their passions and interests. Besides writing, he plays the bass guitar and loves to explore different genres of music.

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