20 Things People Lie About Most Often

People lie for various reasons: self-preservation, avoiding conflict, gaining advantage, or because it's easier than truth-telling. But what are top 20 common lies? Here they are.


People commonly lie about their age, due to societal pressures, desire to fit into a particular age group or fear of judgement and age discrimination.


People often lie about their income due to embarrassment, to impress others, avoid financial obligations, or qualify for loans.

Relationship Status

People often lie about their relationship status, from pretending to be single to exaggerating a relationship's seriousness to avoid unwanted attention or drama.


Education can be a source of pride or shame, leading some to lie about their qualifications to seem more educated. This could also stem from the competitive job market pressure.

Job Title

Job titles, like education, can be a source of pride or shame. People might lie about their titles to seem more successful, impress others, or avoid judgment for not being in a high-level position.


Many people lie about their hobbies to fit in, impress others, or avoid judgement for enjoying socially unacceptable activities.


Travel is a topic many lie about. Some exaggerate travels to seem cultured, while others invent trips to fit in or impress.


People often lie about their health due to fear of judgment or societal pressures about physical appearance and fitness.

Personal Achievements

People may lie about achievements to seem more successful, due to inadequacy feelings, need for validation, or competition.

Material Possessions

In today's materialistic society, pressure may lead some to lie about their possessions or lifestyle to appear more successful or to fit into a social group.

Social Media Presence

Social media has become a place where people craft idealized versions of themselves, often lying about their lifestyle or experiences to attract attention and validation.

Past Experiences

Some may lie about past experiences, embellishing or fabricating stories, out of shame or to impress. They may also lie to hide prideless aspects of their history.

Reasons for Being Late

Being late is seen as disrespectful, leading to lies about the reasons. These can range from blaming traffic to fabricating emergencies, often due to fear of judgment or punishment.

Avoiding Events

People may lie about plans or excuses for skipping events out of discomfort, to avoid hurting feelings, or to dodge potential conflict the truth could cause.

Their Feelings

Honesty about feelings can be hard, leading many to lie as a defense or to avoid hurting others. This can also stem from societal expectations.


Today's society is image-focused, causing people to lie about their appearance, ranging from minor exaggerations to using photo editing due to insecurities and societal pressure.

Accomplishments of Children

Parents may lie about children's achievements to appear superior or impress others, causing undue pressure and creating unhealthy parent-child dynamics.

Feeling Fine

People often lie about their feelings, particularly when asked, "How are you?" This societal norm can hinder individuals from receiving needed support.


People may lie about their opinions to adapt to a group, avoid confrontation, maintain relationships, or evade judgment for their true thoughts and beliefs.

Being Happy for Others

People often pretend to be happy for others' achievements to hide jealousy and due to societal pressure to appear supportive. Dishonesty can lead to resentment and damage relationships.

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