15 Foods From the ’90s That Nobody Misses

The 90s excelled in many areas, but arguably not food. Some questionable snacks, despite nostalgic charm, are better off forgotten. Here are 15 90s foods no one misses.

Colored Ketchup

Food companies experimented with colored ketchup in the 90s. However, many soon realized it tasted no different from the regular one and was just a gimmick.

Crystal Pepsi

Crystal Pepsi, a clear version of the classic cola, failed after its 1992 release due to poor taste. It's now a symbol of marketing failures.

Bagel Bites

Bagel Bites were a '90s staple. However, despite their convenience, they lacked flavor and quality ingredients.

Surge Soda

Surge, a highly caffeinated citrus drink by Coca-Cola, was made to compete with Mountain Dew. Its sweetness and artificial flavors made it an acquired taste.

Jell-O Pudding Pops

Jell-O Pudding Pops, marketed as a healthier ice cream alternative, were filled with artificial ingredients, lacking real creamy texture. Discontinued in 1993.


Lunchables were popular in the 90s but lacked nutrition, often containing processed items and sugary treats. They're not missed by health-conscious individuals.

Pop Rocks

Pop Rocks were trendy in the ’90s but rumors of health risks paired with soda caused a decline. Though debunked, it's less available and not widely missed today.

French Toast Crunch

"French Toast Crunch, a cereal by General Mills, was introduced in 1995 and discontinued in 2006. Back due to demand in 2014, but many favor healthier breakfasts now."

Orbitz Drink

Orbitz was a unique soft drink with floating balls imitating planets. Disliked for its odd texture and artificial flavors, it discontinued in 1997.

Snackwell’s Cookies

SnackWell’s cookies, once sold as a healthier choice, were high in sugar and artificial ingredients, making them as unhealthy as regular cookies. They're not greatly missed.

Trix Yogurt

Trix yogurt, a popular 90s snack, was unhealthy due to artificial additives. It's now discontinued & replaced with healthier options.


"Dunkaroos, a favorite '90s snack, came with sugary frosting dip, making them more like a dessert. Health-conscious folks don't miss them."

Ecto Cooler

"Ecto Cooler, a green Hi-C drink for Ghostbusters, gained kid popularity but discontinued due to high sugar & artificial ingredients. Learn more"

Wonder Ball

Wonder Balls were filled with candy and toys but were criticized for being a choking hazard, leading to their discontinuation in the early 2000s.

Froot Loops Slurpee

Froot Loops Slurpee, a novelty treat by 7-Eleven, was discontinued due to its artificial colors and high sugar content. Healthier alternatives are now available.

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